CST Community Assessments
Copper Corridor - Coalition Presentation (September 2016) | Presentation for a Coalition meeting regarding the regional tourism assessment and research project by ASU students with support from Copper Corridor Economic Develop Coalition, Arizona Office of Tourism, and Arizona Council for Enhancing Recreation and Tourism (ACERT) (Also see: Final Report) ccedc_presentation.pdf (2.43 MB) |
Y Scottsdale? (May, 2013) | 13 Projects about Attracting Millennials to Scottsdale y_scottsdale_report_final_1_0.pdf (10.44 MB) |
Greenlee County (December, 2012) | Project proposals to reduce economic leakage and build local capacity in Greenlee County keeping_the_green_in_greenlee_final_1_0.pdf (12.64 MB) |
Nogales Tourism Resource Assessment (May 2012) | Next steps for the community to create more cultural and historical tourism in Nogales asu_nogales_tourism_resources_assessment_2012_1_0.pdf (5.68 MB) |
Bisbee (December, 2011) | Stakeholder Perspectives on Tourism In Bisbee, Arizona asu_bisbee_perspectives_report_2011_final_1_0.pdf (1.12 MB) |
Marana and Oro Valley (May, 2011) | Resources and opportunities for tourism development and regional integration in Marana and Oro Valley, Arizona. final_4_21_11_1_0.pdf (11.37 MB) |
Maricopa II (August, 2011) | Recommendations for three types of tourism development (downtown cultural district, festivals and events, agritourism) and branding for Maricopa, Arizona asu_where_the_old_west_report_2011_final_1_0.pdf (4.29 MB) |
Maricopa I (May, 2010) | Tourism resource assessment for Maricopa, Arizona tourism_assess_report2010_1_0.pdf (4.07 MB) |
Copper Corridor - Zipline Case Study (2016) | Report from the Copper Corridor Economic Study (Also see: Copper Corridor Study Final Report) finalfinal_case_study_arizona_zipline_adventures_10-3-16_1.pdf (666.57 KB) |
Copper Corridor Study - Final Report (October 2016) | Final report for the regional tourism assessment and research project by ASU students with support from Copper Corridor Economic Develop Coalition, Arizona Office of Tourism, and Arizona Council for Enhancing Recreation and Tourism (ACERT) (Also see: Zipline Case Study and Visitor Center Report) copper_corridor_report_finalfinal_1.pdf (20.49 MB) |
Copper Corridor - Superior Visitor Center Study (2016) | Study of Superior, AZ Visitor Center guest registry logs completed for Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition and Arizona Office of Tourism, May 2016. (Also see: Copper Corridor Study Final Report) finalfinalrv_superior_visitor_center_report-2_0.pdf (274.08 KB) |
Copper Corridor - Superior Chamber of Commerce Report (2016) | Study of Superior Chamber of Commerce guest registry logs, completed for Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition and Arizona Office of Tourism, May 2016. (Also see: Copper Corridor Final Report) finalfinalrv_superior_chamber_of_commerce_report.pdf (309.7 KB) |
Copper Corridor - GLOW Event Report (2016) | Study of event attendees at GLOW, October 2015. Completed for Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition and Arizona Office of Tourism, April 2016. glow_event_final_report.pdf (668.47 KB) |
Copper Corridor - Pioneer Days Report (2016) | Study of event attendees at Kearny’s Pioneer Days, completed for Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition and Arizona Office of Tourism, April 2016. pioneer_days_report_0.pdf (570.67 KB) |
Copper Corridor - AZ Trail Report (2016) | Study of Arizona Trail users, completed for Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition, Arizona Trail Association, and Arizona Office of Tourism, April 2016. arizona_trail_users_report.pdf (466.39 KB) |
Copper Corridor - OHV Report (2016) | Study of off-highway vehicle (OHV) users in the Copper Corridor region, completed for Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition and Arizona Office of Tourism, May 2016. off-highway_vehicle_users_report.pdf (1.27 MB) |
Copper Corridor - Apache Leap (2016) | Study of event attendees at Apache Leap Mining Festival, completed for Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition and Arizona Office of Tourism, April 2016. apache_leap_report.pdf (1.64 MB) |
Copper Corridor - LOST Event (2016) | Study of event attendees to Superior’s Legends of Superior Trail (LOST) Festival, completed for Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition and Arizona Office of Tourism, April 2016. legends_of_superior_trail_lost_report.pdf (765.71 KB) |
Copper Corridor - Event Research Findings (2016) | Table providing an overview of four Copper Corridor events. Report from May, 2016. cc_event_summary_findings.pdf (49.77 KB) |
Copper Corridor - Visitor Center Findings (2016) | Table overview of three visitor centers in Copper Corridor communities. Report from June, 2016. cc_visitorcenter_summary_findings_final_.pdf (48.88 KB) |
Sustainability Initiatives: Arizona Department of Tourism | Presented June 2016 by the Center for Sustainable Tourism for the Arizona Council for Enhancing Recreation and Tourism (ACERT). Presentations on Agritourism, Bicycle Tourism, Repurposing and Greening Structures, Voluntourism, and Wellness Tourism. sustainability-initiatives-agritourism.pdf (437.74 KB) ,Presented June 2016 by the Center for Sustainable Tourism for the Arizona Council for Enhancing Recreation and Tourism (ACERT). Presentations on Agritourism, Bicycle Tourism, Repurposing and Greening Structures, Voluntourism, and Wellness Tourism. sustainability-inititiatives-bicycle-tourism.pdf (489.69 KB) ,Presented June 2016 by the Center for Sustainable Tourism for the Arizona Council for Enhancing Recreation and Tourism (ACERT). Presentations on Agritourism, Bicycle Tourism, Repurposing and Greening Structures, Voluntourism, and Wellness Tourism. sustainability-inititiatives-repurposing-structures.pdf (213.88 KB) ,Presented June 2016 by the Center for Sustainable Tourism for the Arizona Council for Enhancing Recreation and Tourism (ACERT). Presentations on Agritourism, Bicycle Tourism, Repurposing and Greening Structures, Voluntourism, and Wellness Tourism. sustainability_inititiatives_voluntourism.pdf (6.99 MB) ,Presented June 2016 by the Center for Sustainable Tourism for the Arizona Council for Enhancing Recreation and Tourism (ACERT). Presentations on Agritourism, Bicycle Tourism, Repurposing and Greening Structures, Voluntourism, and Wellness Tourism. sustainability-inititiatives-wellness-tourism.pdf (450.06 KB) |
Copper Corridor - Recreational Users Group Presentation (2017) | Presentation from the February 8, 2017, meeting including a discussion of OHV survey results. rug_presentation_-_copper_corridor.pdf (17.01 MB) |