SCRD Ccmpletes Buckeye Air Fair and AOPA Fly-In research study

In the fall of 2022, the City of Buckeye collaborated with Arizona State University to conduct a 2023 Buckeye Air Fair and AOPA Fly-In research study to determine economic impact of the event. Researchers conducted surveys of visitors, pilots and vendors to obtain insights on this target audience's travel and spending behaviors, and elicited marketing-related information and feedback based on satisfaction with the various activities and events offered at the Buckeye Air Fair. Information was also obtained on the socio-demographic characteristics of visitors, pilots and vendors.
Principal investigator of this study was Dr. Deepak Chhabra. Dr. Nick Wise served in the role of co-principal investigator and oversaw data collection organization and management. Dr. Megha Budruk and Professor Dale Larsen also contributed as co-investigators. Dr. Kim Pham, faculty adjunct, and graduate student Rachel Paserk played an important role as project supervisors. Dr. Kelly Ramella and PhD student Kailei Foltmer made special volunteer contributions. The project was also assisted by eight graduate/undergraduate students, who helped in distributing and collecting surveys at the event. The key results of the study were presented to the Mayor of Buckeye and the City Council on Sept. 5. Professor Larsen offered opening and closing comments.
Research results determined the event provides important benefits to different types of visitors and the local community, in Buckeye and across Maricopa County, in terms of social and economic contributions. Analysis of data for 2023 shows that the event spending by different types of visitors and the operating budget supports a considerable amount of economic activity within Maricopa County. Visitors spent the most money on food and dining followed by lodging, vehicle-related expenses and shopping. Pilots incurred the most spending on lodging followed by food and dining and vehicle-related sectors.
The Buckeye Air Fair event leverage ratio (calculated by dividing total labor income by total operating expenses ($692,073)) for Maricopa County is 1:2.91. This means that an investment in the form of operating budget by the City generates almost three times return in investment for Maricopa County. The Buckeye Air Fair holds tremendous potential to attract more spending from visitors and pilots.
The usefulness of the ASU/Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions/School of Community Resources and Development study is acknowledged by the City Council:
The study provides useful information to the City on the economic impacts of the Buckeye Air Fair and the return on investment. Responses from the survey also provided information to the City on how improvements can be made to enhance the visitor experience for future events. Staff will use data from the survey results to continuously improve the Buckeye Air Fair for future years (City Council, Sept. 5, 2023).